Retired RW (Regional Winner) SGC (Supreme Grand Champion) Mustloverags Clyde of Bakerviewrags


Clyde is a lovely Lilac Point king with nice boning, a very sweet temperment, and beautiful eye color.  After acheiving his Supreme status in a handful of shows. Clyde is now retired. Thank you to Beverly of Bakerviewrags for her support and mentorship with this beautiful boy.


RW (Regional Winner) SGC (Supreme Grand Champion) Mustloverags Clyde of Bakerviewrags RW (Regional Winner)


was awarded TICA's 

 Best Lilac Point Internationally for the 2018/2019 2019/2020 Show Season


TICA's 22nd Best Longhair for the 2019/2020 Show Season




Mac pictured to the left is our beautiful big boned boy who loves to cuddle and is very kind to the ladies. He has a gentle loving disposition. Mac is DNA tested Lilac Point Mitted blood type A/A



We are thrilled to add our New King Pleasantdolls Jack of Mustloverags to our breeding program. Jack is simply ever so SWEET! We are so grateful to Sarah for entrusting us with this wonderful boy!! Jack is a lovely example of the breed and we are looking forward to seeing his babies!

KINGS - We DNA test all our breeding cats with Wisdom Health Panel for 45+ genetic health tests, plus blood type, along with traits and genetic diversity including HCM and PKD 

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